2011年7月8日 星期五


正在看一本美國總統奧巴馬於 1995 年出版的書,名為《Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance》。內容是奧巴馬的生平自述,和他對膚色、種族的認知之路。只看了書的大約三分之一,說到奧巴馬剛進了大學 (Occidental College)。

很意外,書中有一小節竟然提及一個中國人家庭。在第 53 頁,情節為:奧巴馬在 10 歲時從印尼乘飛機回到夏威夷,正在入境大堂等候:

「I looked to the front of the line, where a Chinese family seemed to be having some problems with the customs officials.  They had been a lively bunch during the flight from Hong Kong, the father taking off his shoes and padding up and down the aisles, the children clambering over seats, the mother and grandmother hoarding pillows and blankets and chattering endlessly to one another.  Now the family was standing absolutely still, trying to will themselves invisible, their eyes silently following the hands that riffled through their passports and luggage with a menacing calm.」

不知那中國人家庭是否香港人。不過,當年是 1971年,中國大陸家庭到夏威夷的應該不多吧,看來是香港家庭的機會大一點。書中有如此細緻的描寫,肯定是一件令當今美國總統「感受」很深的事件。
